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NWP leader Michael Thompson and his wife Tina Deschenie join us on NWP Radio to share two new anthologies they’ve contributed to this year. Join us for an intimate conversation and powerful poetry.
Order the Anthologies
The Diné Reader: An Anthology of Navajo
The Diné Reader: An Anthology of Navajo Literature is unprecedented. It showcases the breadth, depth, and diversity of Diné creative artists and their poetry, fiction, and nonfiction prose.This wide-ranging anthology brings together writers who offer perspectives that span generations and perspectives on life and Diné history.
Wet: An Anthology of Water and Prose
Thirty regional writers contributed to this collection, the first in a series on the four elements. All contributors are engaged in writing in some way across the vast stretches of high desert in the Four Corners, from Acoma and Gray Mountain to the mountain ranges near Telluride and Ouray.
To order your copy and get more information email: info@montezumafoodcoalition, memo Anthology Sharehouse Press.