Author: Kentucky Writing Project
Summary: The Kentucky Writing Project developed this rich collection of useful resources on argument writing, inspired by NWP’s College, Career, & Community Writing Program (C3WP). With mini-units, text sets, general resources on argument, professional development materials, specific units on science & social studies, and much more, this collection is an invaluable resource for curriculum development, professional learning contexts, and C3WP-related activities.
Teacher Testimonials
When you’re used to a symphony of moans and groans from students when it comes to writing, nothing quite prepares you for the soundtrack of excitement from students who are audibly voicing their positive reactions to these mini-units. Topics are prompting engagin discussions and focused writing, while strengthening the necessary skills to bolster student confidence. Students will start to ask, “When will there be another mini-unit?” “What topic will it be this time?” The greatest sound and signt for a teacher are students fully immersed in the writing process with pencils dancing across a page in a focused writing frenzy. These mini-units are a key part of a new way of apporaching writing instruction that will result in the sweet sound of your students success in your classroom and beyond.—Rachael Jaenichen, High School teacher, McCracken Co.
Have you ever started a unit with fervor and excitement, only to find yourself beating your head against the wall three weeks in? No end in sight! Save your Tylenol and your sanity. Embrace the CRWP mini-unit approach!! It will engage your students from start to finish. Your students will thank you!!—Lauren Coffey, Warren Co.
Original Source: Kentucky Writing Project,