Summary: Youth Voices is a connected-learning site that hosts digital learning curriculum openly available for teachers, based in sound theory about the teaching of writing. You will find incredible student work related to current events and issues, playlists that students and teachers can use, podcasts, and more. You can explore the student writing through the highlighted “Daily 25 Featured Discussions” on the homepage or visit the categories along the top of the page to find student writing on specific topics. No matter how you explore the site you are sure to be drawn to youth taking a stand and writing about some of the most pressing issues of the day.
Related Resources
- Citizens in the Making—Inspiring Students to Engage in Transformative Civic Learning
- Thinking Across Civic Education Work
- Teaching in a Movement for Justice
- Youth Voices Summer Program
- Youth Camp Agendas, Outlines, and Schedules
- The Relationship of High School Student Motivation and Comments in Online Discussion Forums
Original Source: National Writing Project,