Guests: Richard Louth, Kim Stafford, Susan Martens, and Tracy Cunningham
Summary: In this NWP Radio show, teacher leaders from the Southeastern Louisiana Writing Project discuss their writing marathon-focused advanced institute, a model of a large-scale writing marathon that draws attendees from across the county. Guests on the radio show share information that can be useful for designing local events. They emphasize the ways that marathons inspire writing while also celebrating local place and developing community among writers.
Original Date of Publication: May 14, 2015
Listen to the Show
Duration: 59 minutes
Excerpt from Show
Kim Stafford, poet and director of the Northwest Writing Institute at Lewis and Clark College, and his thoughts on the writing marathon model:
The beautiful leisure of the marathon model, I think it’s something that should happen in every teacher’s life, where we have abundant time to write. We write, we share, we talk, we write, we share…and these episodes of learning happen again and again and they really build on each other and your confidence as a writer—your sense of abundance as a thinker. You’re spiraling up and it’s a bird climbing into the wind and each episode builds on the last.
Download NWP Radio—Writing in Good Company in New Orleans (MP3)
Related Resources
- Writing In the Community: The New Orleans Writing Marathon as Model
- “I’m a Writer”: Essays on the Writing Marathon and Why We Write
- A Guide for Writing Marathon Leaders
Original Source: National Writing Project,