Summary: This overview provides key information about the National Writing Project’s College, Career, and Community Writers Program (C3WP) and how it works, along with the results from multiple years/areas of the country. In “About the Program,” teachers can find resources that complement each other in a year-round approach to teaching argument: routine argument writing, mini-units, extended research arguments, on-demand tasks, formative assessment resources, and videos of teachers who have used the resources. The “How it Works” sub-link offers a model for an Advanced Institute for C3WP. The last sub-link provides the results of a 2-year random assignment evaluation which found C3WP had a positive, statistically significant effect on the four attributes of student argument writing—content, structure, stance, and conventions. Points of use include: site leadership team review of C3WP to see how it might be used in their region/locale; and teacher leadership or teacher inquiry related to bringing C3WP into their writing instruction.
About the Program
The College, Career, and Community Writers Program integrates instructional, formative assessment, and professional development resources. Continue Reading
How the Program Works
C3WP works by integrating curricular resources, formative assessment, professional reading, and professional conversations. Learning to write arguments takes time and practice, which is why teachers who take advantage of C3WP resources engage in at least 4 “cycles of writing.” Continue Reading
SRI’s 2-year random assignment evaluation found consistent program implementation and positive impacts of the National Writing Project’s College, Career, and Community Writers Program (C3WP). Despite the challenge of implementing a program in 22 districts across 10 states delivered by 12 Writing Project sites, C3WP was implemented with a high degree of fidelity to key program components. Continue Reading
Related Resources
- What’s in a Name? CRWP Is Now C3WP
- C3WP: Teaching On-Demand Argument Writing
- C3WP Extended Research Arguments
- C3WP Mini-Units
Original Source: National Writing Project College-Ready Writers Program,