Summary: Will you be leading a Invitational Summer Institute or a similarly deep and extended PD offering? Are you thinking about adapting your Invitational Summer Institute to include more online and less face-to-face time? Wondering how other sites are modifying the format of the traditional Summer Institute while maintaining the integrity of its goals, philosophies, and practices? This collection of resources can provide you with a window into how Writing Projects across the country are adapting structurally while holding true to the core tenets of the National Writing Project.
- The Northwest Arkansas WP shares a schedule of a modified ISI that includes a combination of whole group synchronous online meeting times, synchronous literacy autobiography & book discussions, and traditional face-to-face meeting.
- This schedule from Kent State WP demonstrates how the site modified the Summer Institute to take on a weekly focus tied to the Common Core Standards. In addition to the weekly genre focus—narrative, argument, information/expository—there are also specific standards noted for daily focus.
- The Greater Madison WP shares a full overview and schedule for a yearlong institute, which meets for two weeks in summer followed by monthly evening meetings throughout the school year. In addition, a template for sharing out action research during the summer and at the conclusion of the year is included.
- The Maine WP adapted their ISI to an online format over the course of several years, and Changing Times: Adapting the Invitational Summer Institute to an Online Environment)
Related Resources
- Summer and Extended Institute Marketing and Recruitment Materials
- Thrust into Leadership: Empowering Teachers Through the Summer Institute
- The Journey of an Emerging Site Leader
Original Source: Kent State University Writing Project, Greater Madison Writing Project, Northwest Arkansas Writing Project/em>