Summary: This hour-long radio episode features several NWP sites whose TCs discuss their experiences as leaders of site programs, leadership teams, and professional development. This resource may be useful for individuals and groups who are exploring models of teacher leadership and ways to support emerging teacher leaders.
Original Date of Publication: May 22, 2014
Listen to the Show
Duration: 1 hour
Excerpt from Show
Bruce Penniman, of the Western Massachusetts Writing Project, on the importance of developing new ideas that come from teacher-leaders:
Sometimes at moments of crisis—funding crises or other kinds of leadership crises—have proven to be generative times for refocusing on the mission of the site, clarifying the mission of the site in some cases, and then thinking about where should we best put our energy and resources that we have. It’s always been teams of teachers that have made those crucial decisions.”
Related Resources
- Envisioning Leadership Transitions as Moments of Opportunity
- Business Planning for Program Development
- The Challenge of Change: Growth Through Inquiry at the Western Massachusetts Writing Project
Original Source: National Writing Project,