In the summer of 2020, eight local Writing Project sites invited anyone interested on a writers’ road trip through the NWP network’s Virtual Writing Marathon. Participants traveled the USA, all from home, writing all the way.
In the summer of 2020, eight local Writing Project sites invited anyone interested on a writers’ road trip through the NWP network’s Virtual Writing Marathon. Participants traveled the USA, all from home, writing all the way.
AUTHOR: Stephanie West-Puckett
FROM THE BLOG: Stephanie West-Puckett and her graduate students name and defeat persistent zombie ideas with help from Bad Ideas About Writing, a free, open-source textbook outlining 61 bad ideas about writing and writing instruction that just won’t go away.
AUTHOR: Shirley McPhillips
FROM THE BLOG: It’s National Poetry Month! For inspiration, we have invited Shirley McPhillips, poet and NWP Writers Council member, to share some thinking about WHY poetry matters and HOW, as teachers and writers, we might jump into it.