Guests: Stephanie Jones, Jen McCreight, Angela Dean, and Jaye Thiel
Summary: In this NWP Radio show, Stephanie Jones, co-director of the Red Clay WP at the University of Georgia, and several Red Clay teacher-consultants share their experiences from a school-year teacher inquiry group that led to the publication of Writing and Teaching to Change the World: Connecting with our Most Vulnerable Students. The group discusses how they each focused closely on one student who was on the margin of the classroom community and used narrative inquiry to explore their beliefs, understandings, and practices related to critical pedagogy. This resource is useful in planning and/or leading professional development, study groups, or teacher inquiry focused on individual students and their work. A sample chapter from the book is also included.
Original Date of Publication: November 13, 2014
Listen to the Show
Duration: 1 hour and 9 minutes
Download NWP Radio—Writing and Teaching to Change the World (MP3)
Related Resources
- Book Review: Inquiry as Stance: Practitioner Research for the Next Generation
- Protocols: Looking at Student Work (for participants) and Looking at Student Work (for facilitator)
- What Student Writing Teaches Us
- Listening to the Sounds of Silence in the Classroom
Original Source: National Writing Project,